The Session APIs enable you to manage the sessions of existing users.

Managing login

Use this API to authenticate and login a user.

Resource URL

post /tspublic/v1/session/login

Request Parameters

Form Parameter Data Type Description
username string Username of the user.
password string Password of the user.
rememberme boolean A flag to remember the user session. The system default is false.

Request Example

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' -d 'username=test&password=fhfh2323bbn&rememberme=false' 'https://<instance>/callosum/v1/tspublic/v1/session/login'
Request URL

Response Example

Not applicable
204 - Successful login

Managing logout

Use this API to log a current user out of an existing session. The user details are captured from the active user session.

Resource URL

post /tspublic/v1/session/logout

Request Example

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' 'https://<instance>/callosum/v1/tspublic/v1/session/logout'
Request URL

Response Example

Not applicable
204 - Successful logout