You can save and share R analyses as answers and pinboards.

In terms of sharing, the R visualization you get as a result of running a script is similar to any other search result in ThoughtSpot. You can save it, share it, and add it to pinboards.

Save an R visualization

  1. Click the ellipses icon more options menu icon above the generated graphic or table containing your analysis, and select Save from the menu.

  2. Add a name and description for the analysis, and click Save.

    The saved analysis is added to Answers.

Share an R visualization

  1. Click the ellipses icon more options menu icon above the generated graphic or table containing your analysis, and select Share from the menu.

  2. Select and add the user or group with which to share, along with level of access (Can View, Can Edit), and then click Done.

Add an R visualization to a pinboard

  1. Click the pin above the the generated graphic or table containing your analysis.

  2. Create a new pinboard or select an existing pinboard, then click Done.

    The visualization is available in Pinboards.